Industry Opportunities

Dear airline or aerospace industry representative, there are a number of ways that your organisation can get involved to support the goal of sustainable aviation. For best impact do them all!



Tell the world the you support us and the sustainable aviation cause.
Have your company logo displayed on this site to show you want to make the world a better place.
No cost.
For more information with no obligation contact us.



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Show the world that you support us and the sustainable aviation cause.
All the benefits of an endorser plus you will be mentioned in our marketing materials. And you can mention us in yours.
Your funds can either be donated towards a specific project or, preferably, un-tied so that we can direct them to the areas where we believe they will have the most impact.
Donate at a level of your choosing. US$20k is a suggested minimum. Ideally you will make it a recurring, annual budget expenditure item so that we can grow.
For more information with no obligation contact us.

Contact Us




Shout to the world that you support us and the sustainable aviation cause.
All the benefits of an endorser, and sponsor plus you will be able to actually involve yourself in our projects.
We will tailor your involvement to your desires, although we will need to monitor non-interference conditions.
Your funds can either be donated towards a specific project or, preferably, un-tied so that we can direct them to the areas where we believe they will have the most impact.
Donate at a level of your choosing. US$100k is a suggested minimum. Ideally you will make it a recurring, annual budget expenditure item so that we can grow.
For more information with no obligation

Contact Us


Airline Fundraising Program

Enable your customers to support us and the sustainable aviation cause.
It's a win-win situation for everyone.
If you are an airline, plug us in to your charity donation program in your flight booking process




Learn more


Workplace Giving Program

Enable your employees to support us and the sustainable aviation cause. It's also a win-win situation for everyone.
If your are a major corporation you likely already have a workplace giving program, simply add us to the charity option list for your employees.
Give them the opportunity to make the world a better place and at the same time help secure their industry and long term careers.
For more information with no obligation contact us.

Contact Us



Join Our Community

Join our community to learn and get more involved in the sustainable aviation mission.
There are many ways you can join our community including subscribing to our mailing list, join our facebook and twitter feeds, write expert opinion articles, register as a user and add comments.
Our Sustainable Aviation Resources Hub is designed for airline professionals whose roles include elements that relate to sustainability and CSR to enable them to do their job quicker, easier and better so that we can accelerate the market transformation towards a sustainable aviation future.

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Sustainable Aviation Resources Hub

Now you are ready to access the free resources we produce to enable you to do your job quicker, easier,
cheaper and better which benefits the sustainable aviation cause.
It's a win-win for everyone.
